Om sångaren

It is the singers who make all the sounds we hear when we listen to vocal music. Without a force of will in each singer to create sound, there will be no music. Yet we rarely think of the singer as a person of knowledge. The choir director is often expected to be responsible for all knowledge in the choir. Which puts a limit on how far the choir can reach musically. Here are some posts that spin further around these thoughts.

Din inre spotlight

Metodik med sångaren i centrum innebär att din subjektiva upplevelse av musiken ges utrymme. En central del i detta är vad den amerikanske pedagogen Edwin Gordon kallar audiation, dvs att aktivera sitt inre hörande; de toner och fraser du hör inom dig utan att de spelas eller sjungs. Nunc quis sapien eget ante condimentum luctus

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